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Anesthesia Options

We understand that many patients are apprehensive or even outright scared to have surgery in their mouth. Before your surgery we will discuss all options to make your visit comfortable and to allay any fears you may have.  During your consultation we will evaluate what is best for you based on your age, health history, anxiety level, and the type of surgery.  Together we will decide what will be the safest and most comfortable option, whether it is general anesthesia or just local numbing prior to your surgery. 

Local Anesthesia

After a topical numbing agent is used on your gums, local anesthesia is administered to numb the teeth and gums near the area being worked on.  The anesthesia will last only a couple of hours. This is a great option for patients who have little or no anxiety before the procedure.

Laughing Gas/ Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide, or "laughing gas", is an odorless gas that is mixed with oxygen and breathed in through a nasal mask during surgery.  It does not put you to sleep, but will help relieve any nervousness or anxiety while you are in the office.  There are no residual effect from the gas once you leave the office.  You will be able drive yourself home and will not feel any lasting effects throughout the day. This is not a good option for patients who are oxygen dependent or who have severe lung disease. Because the gas does not sedate you, this is a good option for patients with mild anxiety who do not mind being aware and awake during the procedure. 

IV Sedation / General Anesthesia

IV Anesthesia is the best option for patients with moderate to severe levels of anxiety or who will be undergoing more extensive surgery. The decision to undergo IV anesthesia will depend on your health, age and other factors that will be discussed during a consultation. Most IV sedation will be performed in the office, but depending on your health it may be performed in a hospital setting. With general anesthesia you will not be aware of anything during the procedure and will not remember anything afterward.  If you plan to undergo IV sedation be sure to read our Instructions Before Anesthesia.

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